Wednesday 21 August 2013

KPK info bill a catalyst for change

ISLAMABAD: Although promulgation of Right to Information (RTI) Ordinance in Khyber-Pakhtunkhwa (KP) has largely gone unnoticed in the media, it is set to become a catalyst for change by practically recognising the people’s right to know through a law considered one of the best in the world.

While majority of the media persons are unaware of the efficacy of an RTI law that breaks the culture of secrecy and ends monopoly of ‘privileged’ journalists, it is equally useful for the public, allowing them to seek out information about anything and of any department run by public money. “The KP RTI Ordinance contains all the features that are vital for a strong RTI law. This is why it scores 143 and is positioned at the top of global RTI rankings,” commented a World Bank expert.

Before discussing the salient features of the RTI Ordinance promulgated in the KP, it is important to understand Pakistan’s position on global level regarding introduction of the laws promoting transparency and curbing corruption. This law existed in only 13 countries just a couple of decades ago, according to a World Bank briefing note. Now is introduced in 90 countries though it differs in effectiveness, depending on the structure and scope of legal framework.

Pakistan was the first country in South Asia to introduce RTI legislation through Freedom of Information (FOI) Ordinance in 2002 however the law defeated its own purpose given the shortcomings as it was limited in scope with a lot of information declared exempted from disclosure and the subsequent weak enforcement mechanism.

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